Friday, August 15, 2008

Early Morning from Shanghai

for symmetry's sake.

with many thanks to Shao Bo and his father, it was nonetheless wonderful to be back traveling with that vague "oh shit, where are we going?" undercurrent.
we didn't make contact with Mr. T (our Shanghai associate), but found a wang ba and consequently a nearby hostel, where i'm typing from at the moment.
Shanghai is strange and beautiful. It's a lot like Hong Kong, but much more distinctly Chinese, and less densely packed.
we'll be here for another night and half a day, then we have train tickets to HK and the last leg of our journey. we're both pretty ready to get home, but are enjoying the last few days.


流浪汉 said...

My assessment comparing Shanghai to other Chinese cities was 'like Beijing, but dirty,' by the way.

流浪汉 said...
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