Monday, August 4, 2008

Thoughts that didn't merit their own posts

-I used a Chinese toilet for the first time. It was horrific and degrading.
-I wish people here believed in napkins.
-Yangshuo is beautiful. Sunburns less so.
-I've never been so popular before. Unfortunately, all my new friends try to sell me things and stop being nice to me when I decline. :(
-If being white in this country is ever no longer an immediate mark signal for 'special' treatment, I might like to live here.
-From now on, all my vacations must involve climbing something.
-Beer fish. Highly overrated.
-Beer beer. Less so.
-Hongshao niurou. Check. Jiaozi. Check. Suanlatang. Still waiting.
-China. Full of cute girls. 90% of which are trying to sell me stuff I don't want.
-Let me know if anyone wants presents!


Jeremy in BA said...

-From now on, all my vacations must involve climbing something.


Mom4808 said...

Presents/ souvenirs? What is on offer?

Unknown said...

i am amused by your new friends that try to sell you things. I got suckered into buying chestnuts

faye said...

silly white kid. what the hell do you need napkins for?

Anonymous said...

this is amazing, i'm so happy you guys are doing it's like my dream to adventure around the world like this, i'm living vicariously through you:P
oooh could you bring me like a rock or something? just anything you can find lol it doesn't have to cost anything, i just really like...artifacts? lol not sure if that's the word...things that bring back memories:)

ooh and this is miel btw:D